Sunny California is America’s #1 Solar Producer

Energy officials mark 1,000 MW solar power milestone at 2012 Stakeholder Symposium

SACRAMENTO, Calif.--()--In the race to create energy from the sun, California surpassed a major milestone during a recent heat wave that hit the sun-soaked state. More than 1,000 megawatts of solar power generation—equal to the size of two large gas-fired power plants—set new U.S. records twice in recent weeks. California energy officials will celebrate tomorrow in Sacramento to mark the historic solar achievement.

Energy chiefs from the California Independent System Operator Corporation (ISO), California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will break from the annual ISO Stakeholder Symposium held September 5 and 6 to meet with reporters to talk about exciting progress in solar power development. They will also update media regarding the state’s 33% Renewables Portfolio Standard—considered the most ambitious green power goal in the country.

Media Event Speakers:




CPUC President Michael R. Peevey

ISO Board of Governors Chair Robert Foster

CEC Chair Robert Weisenmiller

ISO President and CEO Stephen Berberich



Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J Street, Sacramento



Wednesday, September 5, 2012



11:30 a.m. (sorry, no call-in access available)


Attended by well over 500 energy leaders and stakeholders, the ISO Stakeholder Symposium is an annual forum for discussing critically important energy and environmental issues.

The California ISO operates the state’s wholesale transmission grid, providing open and non-discriminatory access supported by a competitive energy market and comprehensive planning efforts. Partnering with about a hundred client organizations, the nonprofit public benefit corporation is dedicated to the continual development and reliable operation of a modern grid that operates for the benefit of consumers. The ISO bulk power market allocates space on transmission lines, maintains operating reserves and matches supply with demand.


California ISO
Media Hotline: 888-516-6397
Stephanie McCorkle
ISO Director of Communications
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California ISO
Media Hotline: 888-516-6397
Stephanie McCorkle
ISO Director of Communications
Follow us on Twitter: