EMD Selects Ioxus’ 3,000F iCAP Ultracapacitors for Improved Fuel Efficiency in Trucks

Ultracapacitor Cells Meet High-Power Requirements; Reduce Maintenance in EMD’s emDRIVE® Hybrid Electric Conversion System

ONEONTA, N.Y.--()--Ioxus, Inc., a manufacturer of premium performance ultracapacitor technology for transportation, alternative energy, medical, industrial and consumer product markets, today announced it is providing ultracapacitors to ElectroMotive Design LLC (EMD), an engineering services company and a manufacturer of hybrid electric conversion systems for Class 2 through 8 buses and trucks. Ioxus’ ultracapacitors are the primary energy storage technology used in EMD’s fuel saving hybrid electric technology called emDRIVE®.

EMD’s emDRIVE® hybrid conversion system offers a cost-effective and easy-to-install solution for fleet operators to combat rising fuel prices and meet government fuel economy regulations. Ultracapacitor technology dramatically enhances the operation of emDRIVE® as compared to previously used energy storage solutions. EMD chose Ioxus’ 3,000F iCAP™ cell as the core energy storage solution in its emDRIVE® hybrid conversion system because it has the lowest weight, lowest equivalent series resistance (ESR) and highest power density available in the market. Ultracapacitors can handle more than one million charge and discharge cycles and offer a longer lifespan than batteries, allowing EMD to meet customer demands for a low-cost solution that is easy to install and reduces operating costs.

“We use ultracapacitors as our system’s energy storage medium in order to capture regenerative braking energy to be used later to assist the vehicle’s acceleration,” said Joseph Ambrosio, General Manager of EMD. “Because ultracapacitors are highly efficient at energy recapture and storage, they are best able to handle the high power bursts we needed for our hybrid conversion systems to deliver the highest fuel efficiency.”

With a high cycle life, a high charge acceptance rate of 95 percent, wide temperature operating range and instantaneous recharge, ultracapacitors are the ideal energy storage solution for hybrid-electrical applications. Ultracapacitors are the only technology able to capture the high peak power levels of a regenerative braking event in a compact, low-weight package. EMD’s emDRIVE®, with the help of Ioxus ultracapacitors, extends the life of brake pads anywhere from 50 to 100 percent. With increased fuel mileage and reduced maintenance requirements, many EMD customers will see a payback in two to three years.

“Rugged, durable ultracapacitor cells provide the best energy storage solution for acceleration and energy recapture,” said Mark McGough, CEO of Ioxus. “With a wide breadth of ultracapacitor technology, Ioxus offers many highly reliable solutions for hybrid-electrical applications, increasing the efficiency of the hybrid conversion system by reducing overall system maintenance and cost to propel such technology toward mass adoption.”

Additional Ioxus Information:

About Ioxus, Inc.
Ioxus manufactures premium performance ultracapacitor technology for transportation, alternative energy, medical, industrial and consumer product markets. The company offers the highest power and energy density ultracapacitors and hybrid capacitors ranging in size from 100 Farads to 3,000 Farads. Ioxus ultracapacitors have two to three times higher power compared to other ultracapacitors, with smaller, lighter weight modules and systems. Its family of ultracapacitors is uniquely optimized for high performance with low resistance, ideal for delivering high power bursts for acceleration, energy recapture, peak load shaving and high power applications. Ioxus is headquartered in Oneonta, N.Y. For more information, visit www.ioxus.com.


Metis Communications
Melissa Cohen, 617-236-0500

Release Summary

EMD selects Ioxus’ 3,000F iCAP ultracapacitor cells to improve fuel efficiency and reduce maintenance in EMD’s emDRIVE hybrid electric conversion system for trucks.


Metis Communications
Melissa Cohen, 617-236-0500