SensiVida Medical Technologies, Inc. Announces Appointment of Sidney Braginsky as Board Director

HENRIETTA, N.Y.--()--SensiVida Medical Technologies Inc. (PINK SHEETS: SVMT) ( (“SensiVida”), a developer and provider of digital painless diagnostic technologies and devices, is pleased to announce that Mr. Sidney Braginsky has been appointed to the SensiVida Board of Directors.

“We are delighted to add Sid as a member of our Board of Directors,” stated Jose Mir, company president. “Sid has been a long term supporter of SensiVida and his involvement as director will be a tremendous asset as we continue our efforts to commercialize our products and grow the company. We are confident that we will greatly benefit from Sid’s executive experience, industry knowledge, and worldwide network.”

Mr. Sidney Braginsky has been President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Atropos Technology, LLC since July 2000. Atropos is the majority shareholder of Digilab LLC, the former molecular spectroscopy division of Bio-Rad acquired by Atropos in 2001. Atropos is responsible for Venture Capital Fund Double D (Devices and Diagnostics); Mr. Braginsky serves as Chairman and Managing Director of Double D and Chairman and CEO of Digilab LLC. He served as President of Olympus America, Inc. from October 1994 to December 1999 where he built a billion dollar business focused on optical products including cameras and scientific instruments (microscopes, endoscopes and chemistry analyzers). He has served as Chairman of International Standards Organization (ISO)'s Optics and Electro-Optical Systems, representing DIN and served as the U.S. leader of the ISO group. Mr. Braginsky currently serves on the boards of: Digilab Corp; DJO; EndoRobotics; Endogene; Waveline Medical; SolidLook Medical; Invendo Medical Gmbh; Board of advisors for Tornado Medical; and Lymphatic Research Foundation. He has served on the boards of Electro Optical Systems Inc., now Mela Medical; Semrock; Estech, currently CHF Technologies; Response Biomedical; Diomed; and Noven Pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Braginsky stated, “I am excited with the prospect of joining the Board of SensiVida and working in a new and promising company that is introducing a technological breakthrough in the area of diagnostics. I see the world of diagnostics rapidly changing from slow, painful laboratory testing to rapid, pain-free individualized testing. These new diagnostics are based on micro fluidic, nano-arraying solid state technologies- diagnostics finally arriving into the silicon IC world. SensiVida’s products will remove the barriers of time and patient discomfort by bringing accurate, rapid and painless diagnostic testing. I believe that it will create a sea change in diagnostic testing, reducing costs and expenses from the costly lab to the POC where the time of diagnosis, the cost of diagnosis, and the care and dialog is with the patient and physician.”

Mr. Braginsky is Chairman of the Board of City University of New York, Robert Chambers Laboratory and Chairman of the Executive Board of Advisors for Long Island University College of Management. He has served as Director on the Industrial Advisory Board of the Center for Technology Education at Hofstra University; Board member of Lymphatic Research Foundation; Director of the Board of Library Overseers for the Jewish Theological Seminary; Advisory Board Member to Stony Brook, School of Engineering; and Trustee of Long Island University. Mr. Braginsky holds a BS in Biology and Chemistry.

About SensiVida Medical Technologies, Inc.

SensiVida is a developer and provider of digital diagnostic devices with proprietary, microsystems-based technology that automates bio-sensing and data acquisition while minimizing patient discomfort. The Company's optical-digital platform technology addresses a number of multi-billion dollar market opportunities: allergy testing, pain-free automated glucose monitors, blood coagulation testing, TB testing, cholesterol monitoring, and more. SensiVida has an exclusive worldwide license to two U.S. patents and one European patent. The company also has eight pending U.S. and European patents. In addition to the SensiVida allergy test, the product pipeline, based on the same microsystem and image processing technology, includes a portable glucose monitor, a blood coagulation monitor and other painless diagnostic technologies. These devices consist of a patch or chip having multiple sensors that are activated in accordance with the patient's testing needs. All SensiVida systems are compact and obtain digital clinical data without pain, blood extraction, bio-fouling, or extensive calibration.

For detailed information re: SensiVida, please visit See recent 8-K filing dated Feb 29, 2012.


SensiVida Medical Technologies Inc.
Jose Mir, 585-953-5559


SensiVida Medical Technologies Inc.
Jose Mir, 585-953-5559