Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Calls upon City of Naperville to Come Clean

NAPERVILLE, Ill.--()--In light of the political corruption epidemic in our state, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has advised Illinois citizens, “You either speak up and do something about it or you’re part of the problem. That’s the only way to look at it.” [Chicago Sun-Times, September 12, 2011]

Documents released to a Naperville Smart Meter Awareness member in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act disclosed a coordinated effort between city officials and a government contractor to stifle the voice of Naperville residents.

A portion of an email exchange between City of Naperville officials and employees of government contractor West Monroe Partners LLC discloses a scheme to recruit smart grid “ambassadors” to work against the citizen effort to put a public question before the voters of the city.

City of Naperville officials included in the email exchange were Community Relations Manager Nadja Lalvani; City Clerk Pam LaFeber; City Attorney Margo Ely; Public Utilities Director – Electric Mark Curran; City Manager Doug Krieger; Community Relations Specialist Kate Houlihan; and Engineering Manager Olga Geynisman.

Despite their obligations under the Freedom of Information Act, the City of Naperville has refused to release the entire email exchange. Naperville Smart Meter Awareness believes the people of Naperville have the right to know the extent to which their tax dollars are being misused to squash the Constitutional Rights of regular citizens.

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness today calls upon the City of Naperville to come clean and release any and all conversations between city officials and/or employees (including the city’s contractor West Monroe Partners) regarding the smart meter advisory referendum.

West Monroe Partners has so far received over $5.1 million in consulting fees as part of the Naperville Smart Grid Initiative. At least half of West Monroe Partners’ fee is paid for by federal taxpayers.

Another Freedom of Information Act request uncovered an email exchange between West Monroe Partners and a Department of Energy official discussing a plot to “insert speakers” into city council meetings for the purpose of countering citizens “airing their grievances” about smart meters during public forum of City Council meetings.

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness continues to question the appropriateness of West Monroe Partners’ alleged attempts to fool the public and peddle influence with Naperville City Council members who are responsible for approving lucrative consulting contracts.

Whether you are a proponent or opponent of the Naperville Smart Grid Initiative, the use of tax dollars for political advocacy and self-dealing should be of concern to every resident of Naperville.

No city official, including City Attorney Margo Ely, has acted upon the apparent illegal diversion of taxpayer dollars.

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness takes seriously the call to action by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and will be working with state and federal law enforcement to the fullest extent possible as part of any investigation into apparent misuse of taxpayer money.

Copies of the emails discussed above are available upon request.


JJ&R Public Relations
Lisa Rooney, 630-962-7268


JJ&R Public Relations
Lisa Rooney, 630-962-7268