Ron Paul Maintains Lead in Latest PPP Iowa Poll

Survey shows broad support, strong organization

LAKE JACKSON, Texas--()--2012 GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul is leading Iowa according to a new PPP poll released yesterday evening, with 20 percent of the vote. The survey has Paul also leading among Independents and Democrats with 30 percent of the vote, more than twice that of the nearest challenger.

“As evidenced by the standing-room only crowds, Ron Paul has broad support and a top notch ground organization,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Despite a coordinated assault by the establishment, Congressman Paul is in the lead and headed toward a top finish in the Hawkeye state.”

This comes on the heels of a CNN/Time poll which showed Ron Paul strong against President Obama. Highlights from the poll include Paul besting Obama 47 to 46 percent among those 65 years and older, said to be the most reliable voters. Paul also beats Obama among persons who reside in rural areas 52 to 44 percent and with Independents 48 to 47 percent.

Full results of the PPP poll can be found here.

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC Inc.


Ron Paul 2012 PCC
Gary Howard, 855-563-6620


Ron Paul 2012 PCC
Gary Howard, 855-563-6620