Paul Mann and TJ Tillman with Empire Wealth: Two Heads are Better Than One

GILBERT, Ariz.--()--When the industry they were working for wasn’t working for them, Paul Mann and TJ Tillman went out to work for themselves.

Equally passionate about doing what’s best for their clients, the two savvy financial advisors teamed up a year ago to found Empire Wealth Management, a financial planning firm in Gilbert, Arizona.

“Paul has an incredible understanding of options and option strategies, and I’ve learned a lot from him,” says Tillman. “I have a lot of background in investments, debt management, and lending. Because of our different backgrounds we complement each other and our clients really benefit.”

“It’s a synergy that would not be there if it was just one of us,” adds Mann.

Synergy is right. They both work under the mantra, “You don’t become an expert by doing a thousand things one time, but by doing one thing a thousand times.”

At Empire Wealth Management they’ve developed successful strategic risk management strategies and tax planning strategies while creating partnerships with their clients’ CPAs and attorneys. It allows them to cover all their bases without stretching into outside territory.

“Empire Wealth Management is a fee-only financial planning firm,” says Tillman. “We don’t work on commission so our clients know that we always have their best interest in mind.”

They also don’t let more than a week go by without communicating with each client whether it’s a newsletter, e-mail, phone call or appreciation event. For them, that’s their favorite part of the job.

“We offer the technology and research of the large firms on Wall Street but also the level of service that our clients on Main Street have come to love,” says Tillman.

“I love meeting with clients. I love the challenge of creating an investment strategy for a client and then putting that plan into action,” says Mann.

Tillman agrees and notes that it wouldn’t be the same without their team approach.

“We’re able to fill the gaps in their financial plan with strategies that neither one of us would have come up with on our own.”

Empire Wealth Management offers the best of both worlds to its clients proving that two heads truly are better than one.

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Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency
Lindsay Dicks, 800-980-1626