Cook Medical Launches Otrieva™ Tapered Ovum Aspiration Needle for Follicle Collection

Cook Medical Launches Otrieva(TM) Tapered Ovum Aspiration Needle for Follicle Collection (Photo: Business Wire)

BLOOMINGTON, Ind.--()--A new needle for ovum collection is now available to reproductive endocrinologists and embryologists: the Otrieva™ Tapered Ovum Aspiration Needle, which Cook Medical launches today. The Otrieva needle features a tapering process that results in a consistent bevel designed to allow precise ovum collection and less pain and bleeding during aspiration, as clinical studies of similar devices have demonstrated.1

The Otrieva needle, developed exclusively by Cook, has a consistent inner diameter to minimize trauma to the egg during collection, but features a smooth taper that creates a small needle puncture while still allowing physicians the control of a rigid needle. The needle also features Cook’s EchoTip® technology that enhances visibility under ultrasound.

Ovum collection, typically performed under local anesthesia with conscious sedation on an outpatient basis, is one of the first steps for couples pursuing in vitro fertilization. Using a smaller needle has been shown to result in a 19 percent pain reduction in patients with no adverse effects on the oocytes collected.1

“The product was designed to make this procedure easier on the patient,” said Christina Anné, global leader of Cook’s Women’s Health business unit. “This needle offers the physician precision and control while reducing trauma to the patient. We are very proud to introduce this technology to the IVF world.”

About shows real-world demonstrations of ovum collection, sperm injection, embryo culture and embryo transfer with guidance on how to optimize each step for improved pregnancy rates. The website also features a knowledge base with up-to-the-minute links to the most current published research in A.R.T. and an event calendar with the latest information about upcoming industry events. is a centralized resource for breaking research news and best practices for fertility and reproductive specialists.

About Cook Medical

Founded in 1963, Cook Medical pioneered many of the medical devices now commonly used to perform minimally invasive medical procedures throughout the body. Today, the company integrates medical devices, drugs and biologic grafts to enhance patient safety and improve clinical outcomes. Since its inception, Cook has operated as a family-held private corporation. For more information, visit Follow Cook Medical on Twitter @CookMedicalPR and @cookwomenshlth.

1 Wikland M, Blad S, Bungum L, et al. A randomized controlled study comparing pain experience between a newly designed needle with a thin tip and a standard needle for oocyte aspiration. Human Reproduction. 2011. Accessed August 17, 2011.

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Cook Medical
Caitlin Wenz, Public Relations Coordinator, 812-339-2235, ext. 4245
812-327-4433 (cell)

Release Summary

Cook Medical announces the launch of the Otrieva Tapered Ovum Aspiration Needle.


Cook Medical
Caitlin Wenz, Public Relations Coordinator, 812-339-2235, ext. 4245
812-327-4433 (cell)