Duke, Con-Ed, Alabama Power, Northeast Utilities Meet to Discuss Smart Grid Distribution Automation Strategies

Smart Grid Distribution Automation Conference

HOBOKEN, N.J.--()--On November 2-3 2011, leading utilities will gather in Raleigh, NC, to discuss the latest developments in smart grid distribution automation.

The growth in distribution automation projects is nothing short of astonishing. The reason? Optimizing distribution promises utilities a significant positive return on their smart grid investments, with real gains already being realized across a wide range of implementations.

Pike Research forecasts that distribution automation spending will total $46 billion worldwide by 2015 and that the returns from the sale of sensors alone will reach $6.3 billion by 2014. Clearly the opportunities are enormous. However, the big unknown right now is which projects will ultimately be the most successful, and reap the greatest ROI for both utilities and technology providers.

In order to provide a forum to discuss these pressing issues, Smart Grid Update today announced the launch of its first annual Smart Grid Distribution Automation Conference, to take place in Raleigh, NC on November 2nd and 3rd 2011.

As with all Smart Grid Update events, the agenda for the Conference is industry led, with leading utilities sharing their findings on a whole range of distribution automation initiatives. There will be a focus practical advice and business opportunities, including case studies from the most successful distribution automation projects currently being rolled out.

  • Northeast Utilities will be outlining how their self-healing technologies are enabling fault location and energy restoration.
  • Duke Energy will be giving an overview of their wide-ranging communication integration architecture.
  • Alabama Power will demonstrate the benefits realized by their integrated distribution management system.
  • Con-Ed will present the findings of their recent SCADA projects to optimize the display of data for human interpretation.

Other experts from PPL, Pike Research, Dominion Virginia, Pike Research, GE and the DOE will also be sharing their insights over two days designed to cover all the essential areas of smart grid distribution automation.

“There’s no doubt that improved communication, better knowledge sharing and stronger partnerships between key stakeholders will provide a big step forward towards creating many more successful and profitable distribution automation initiatives. Which is why we at Smart Grid Update have put together our first ever conference focusing specifically on this pivotal area of smart grid development,” said Baruch Hecht, Director, Smart Grid Update.

The Smart Grid Distribution Automation Conference expects to gather over 200 senior executives from utilities, technology and telecom companies. The event is taking place at the Sheraton Hotel in Raleigh, NC, on 2-3 November, and full information can be found at www.smartgridupdate.com/da2011.


Smart Grid Update
Baruch Hecht, 201-204-1677

Release Summary

North American leading utilities will gather in Raleigh, NC on November 2-3, 2011 to discuss the latest developments in smart grid distribution automation.


Smart Grid Update
Baruch Hecht, 201-204-1677