Sony Ericsson reports second quarter 2011 results


Sony Ericsson reports second quarter 2011 results


  • Supply chain constraints from the Japan earthquake significantly impact Q2 results
  • Smartphones account for more than 70 percent of total sales
  • Android-based Xperia volume up 150 percent year-on-year

The consolidated financial summary for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (Sony Ericsson) for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011 is as follows:


Q2 2010


Q1 2011

    Q2 2011
Number of units shipped (million)

Average selling price (Euro)








Sales (Euro m.) 1,757 1,145 1,193
Gross margin (%) 28% 33% 31%
Operating income (Euro m.) 36 19 -37
Operating margin (%) 2% 2% -3%
Restructuring charges (Euro m.) -32 - -
Operating income excl. restructuring charges (Euro m.) 68 19 -37
Operating margin excl. restructuring charges (%) 4% 2% -3%
Income before taxes (IBT) (Euro m.) 31 15 -42
IBT excl. restructuring charges (Euro m.) 63 15 -42
Net income (Euro m.) 12 11 -50

Bert Nordberg, President and CEO of Sony Ericsson commented, “Sony Ericsson’s second quarter profitability was affected by the March 11 earthquake in Japan. We estimate that the impact of earthquake-related supply chain constraints on our portfolio was close to 1.5 million units, with most of the effect in the early part of the quarter. Our shift to Android-based smartphones continues with smartphone sales accounting for more than 70 percent of our total sales during the quarter. We have shipped more than 16 million Xperia smartphones to date. We have introduced eight new Xperia smartphones this year and we continue to see strong consumer and operator demand across the Xperia smartphone portfolio.”

Units shipped during the quarter were 7.6 million, a 31% decrease year-on-year and a 6% decrease sequentially, due to a decrease in volume caused by constrained supply of critical components and an anticipated decline in the number of feature phones shipped.

Average selling price (ASP) for the quarter was Euro 156, a 3% decrease year-on-year but an 11% increase sequentially. The year-on-year decrease is due to product and geographic mix and price erosion. The sequential increase in ASP is attributed to favorable product and geographic mix, more than offsetting price erosion and unfavorable foreign exchange rates.

Sales for the quarter were Euro 1,193 million, a 32% decrease year-on-year and a 4% increase sequentially.

The gross margin percentage for the quarter was 31% with an improvement of 3 percentage points year-on-year that included restructuring charges, and a decrease of 2 percentage points from the previous quarter, which included the benefit of some larger than normal items relating to royalty matters and warranty estimates.

Loss before taxes for the quarter was Euro 42 million, compared to an income before taxes of Euro 31 million for the same quarter in the previous year, due to lower volume. Income before taxes for the previous quarter was Euro 15 million. The sequential change was reflective of lower gross margin and higher operating expenses.

The quarter ended in a net loss of Euro 50 million, compared to a net income of Euro 12 million in the same quarter in the previous year, and Euro 11 million in the last quarter. Tax expenses in this quarter included the impact of tax adjustments and the distribution of profits and losses between various jurisdictions.

Cash flow from operating activities during the quarter was negative Euro 224 million, mainly due to increases in accounts receivables and inventories, negative net income and timing of certain payments. New external borrowings of Euro 165 million were made during the quarter to enhance liquidity and growth, resulting in total borrowings of Euro 769 million at the end of the quarter. Total cash balances at June 30, 2011 amounted to Euro 516 million.

Sony Ericsson estimates that its share in the global Android-based smartphone market during the quarter was approximately 11% in volume and 11% in value.

Sony Ericsson maintains its forecast for modest industry growth in total units in the global handset market for 2011.

The liquid identity is a registered trademark of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB. Xperia™ is a trademark of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB. Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. Ericsson is a registered trademark of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved and subject to change without prior notice.


Financial statements:
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated income statement – isolated quarters
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of cash flows – isolated quarters
Net sales by market area by quarter

About Sony Ericsson
Sony Ericsson celebrates its 10th year as a joint venture between Sony Corporation and Ericsson in October 2011. Over the years Sony Ericsson has brought together the best communication technologies with superior entertainment user experiences to create its Xperia™ line of the ‘most entertaining smartphones’ in the mobile handset industry. With its global corporate functions in London, Sony Ericsson has sales and marketing operations in all major regions of the world, as well as manufacturing operations in China, and product development sites in China, Japan, Sweden and Silicon Valley, California. For more information, please visit:

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Ericsson investor relations
Susanne Andersson (Stockholm) +46 10 719 4631

Sony investor relations
Yoshinori Hashitani (Tokyo) +81 3 6748 2111
Yas Hasegawa (London) +44 20 7426 8696

Press / Media

Sony Ericsson global communications and PR
Cathy Davies (London) +44 208 762 5879
Holly Rossetti (London) + 44 208 762 5851
Gustaf Brusewitz (London) +44 208 762 5805

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Sony Ericsson has identified certain important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. For a detailed description of risk factors see Sony's and Ericsson's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly each company's latest published Annual Report on Form 20-F.

Sony Ericsson
Apr-Jun Jan-Jun
EUR million     2010     2011   Change 2010     2011   Change
Net sales 1,757 1,193 -32% 3,162 2,339 -26%
Cost of sales -1,266     -828 -35% -2,241     -1,592 -29%
Gross profit 492 365 -26% 921 747 -19%
Gross margin % 28% 31% 3pp 29% 32%


Research and development expenses -191 -184 -4% -376 -357 -5%
Selling and administrative expenses -272     -224 -18% -510     -423 -17%
Operating expenses -463 -408 -12% -886 -780 -12%
Other operating income, net 7     6 -14% 21     16 -24%
Operating income 36 -37 57 -17
Operating margin % 2% -3% -5pp 2% -1% -3pp
Financial income 2 5 150% 9 8 -11%
Financial expenses -7     -10 43% -16     -18 13%
Income before taxes 31 -42 50 -27
Taxes -16 -3 -81% -10 -9 -10%
Minority interest -4     -5 25% -7     -4 -43%
Net income 12 -50 33 -40
Number of units shipped (million) 11.0 7.6 -31% 21.5 15.8 -27%
ASP (EUR)     160     156 -3% 147     148 1%
EUR million     Apr-Jun Jan-Jun
Restructuring charges     2010     2011 2010     2011
Cost of sales -33 - -31 -
Research and development expenses -1 - -3 -
Selling and administrative expenses     2     - -1     -
Total -32 - -35 -
* Operating expenses in 2010 have been restated to reflect certain organizational changes.
Sony Ericsson
    2010     2011
EUR million     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 Q1     Q2
Net sales 1,405 1,757 1,603 1,528 1,145 1,193
Cost of sales -975     -1,266     -1,130     -1,069 -763     -828
Gross profit 429 492 473 459 382 365
Gross margin % 31% 28% 30% 30% 33% 31%
Research and development expenses -185 -191 -179 -191 -173 -184
Selling and administrative expenses -238     -272     -241     -236 -199     -224
Operating expenses -423 -463 -420 -427 -372 -408
Other operating income, net 14     7     10     7 10     6
Operating income 20 36 63 39 19 -37
Operating margin % 1% 2% 4% 3% 2% -3%
Financial income 7 2 7 2 3 5
Financial expenses -9     -7     -8     -6 -8     -10
Income before taxes 18 31 62 35 15 -42
Taxes 6 -16 -12 -27 -5 -3
Minority interest -3     -4     -2     0 1     -5
Net income 21 12 49 8 11 -50
Number of units shipped (million) 10.5 11.0 10.4 11.2 8.1 7.6
ASP (EUR)     134     160     154     136 141     156
EUR million     2010 2011
Restructuring charges     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 Q1     Q2
Cost of sales 2 -33 -3 2 - -
Research and development expenses -2 -1 5 0 - -
Selling and administrative expenses     -3     2     -6     -5 -     -
Total -3 -32 -4 -3 - -
* Operating expenses in 2010 have been restated to reflect certain organizational changes.
Sony Ericsson
Jun 30 Dec 31 Mar 31 Jun 30
EUR million         2010     2010     2011     2011
Total fixed and financial assets 836 803 791 819
Current assets
Inventories 467 460 510 570
Accounts receivable


836 755 872
Other assets 412 295 304 330
Other short-term cash investments 477 276 417 329
Cash and bank 562 329 182 188
Total current assets 2,981 2,196 2,168 2,289
Total assets         3, 817     2,999     2,959     3,108
Shareholders' equity 510 532 496 451
Minority interest 66 42 38 43
Total equity 575 574 534 494
Borrowing, Non Current 101 100 0 0
Other long-term liabilities 40 32 30 31
Total long-term liabilities 141 132 30 31
Accounts payable 973 769 701 716
Borrowing, Current 329 130 604 769
Other current liabilities 1,798 1,394 1,090 1,098
Total current liabilities 3,101 2,293 2,394 2,583
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities         3,817     2,999     2,959     3,108
Net cash* 609 375 -5 -252

* Net cash is defined as cash and bank deposit plus other short-term cash investments less 
interest-bearing liabilities.

Sony Ericsson
        Apr-Jun       Jan-Jun
EUR million         2010     2011   2010     2011
Net income 12 -50 33 -40
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash   4     -29   -40     -166
16 -79 -6 -206
Changes in operating net assets   13     -145   -58     -371
Cash flow from operating activities 29 -224 -65 -577
Investing activities   -15     -21   12     -36
Cash flow from investing activities -15 -21 12 -36
Financing activities   0     165   150     541
Cash flow from financing activities 0 165 150 541
Net change in cash 15 -80 97 -72
Cash, beginning of period 980 599 878 605
Translation difference in Cash   45     -3   64     -17
Cash, end of period         1,039     516   1,039     516
Sony Ericsson
    2010     2011
EUR million     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 Q1     Q2
Net income 21 12 49 8 11 -50
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash   -44     4     -66     -50 -137     -29
-23 16 -17 -42 -127 -79
Changes in operating net assets   -72     13     -38     -86 -226     -145
Cash flow from operating activities -94 29 -54 -128 -353 -224
Investing activities   27     -15     2     -18 -14     -21
Cash flow from investing activities 27 -15 2 -18 -14 -21
Financing activities   150     0    


    -178 375     165
Cash flow from financing activities 150 0


-178 375 165
Net change in cash 83 15 -85 -324 8 -80
Cash, beginning of period 878 980 1,039 921 605 599
Translation difference in Cash   19     45     -33     7 -14     -3
Cash, end of period     980     1,039     921     605 599     516
Sony Ericsson
EUR million         2010       2011
Isolated quarters         Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4       Q1     Q2
Europe, Middle East & Africa * 711     876     837     795 485     435
Americas 201 223 222 205 151 193
Asia         493     659     544     528       509     565
Total         1,405     1,757     1,603     1,528       1,145     1,193
* of which Western Europe 525 668 632 569 307 323
2010 2011
Sequential change (%)         Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4       Q1     Q2
Europe, Middle East & Africa * -26% 23% -4% -5% -39% -10%
Americas -9% 11% 0% -8% -26% 28%
Asia         -12%     34%     -17%     -3%       -4%     11%
Total         -20%     25%     -9%     -5%       -25%     4%
* of which Western Europe -23% 27% -5% -10% -46% 5%
2010 2011
Year over year change (%)         Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4       Q1     Q2
Europe, Middle East & Africa * -27% -6% -4% -18% -32% -50%
Americas 1% 14% -4% -8% -25% -13%
Asia         -12%     17%     6%     -6%       3%     -14%
Total         -19%     4%     -1%     -13%       -19%     -32%
* of which Western Europe -27% -1% -1% -16% -42% -52%
2010 2011
Year to date         1003     1006     1009     1012       1103     1106
Europe, Middle East & Africa * 711 1,587 2,424 3,219 485 919
Americas 201 424 646 851 151 345
Asia         493     1,152     1,695     2,224       509     1,075
Total         1,405     3,162     4,765     6,294       1,145     2,339
* of which Western Europe 525 1,193 1,825 2,393 307 630
2010 2011
YTD year over year change (%)         1003     1006     1009     1012       1103     1106
Europe, Middle East & Africa * -27% -17% -13% -14% -32% -42%
Americas 1% 7% 3% 0% -25% -19%
Asia         -12%     3%     4%     1%       3%     -7%
Total         -19%     -8%     -5%     -7%       -19%     -26%

* of which Western Europe

-27% -15% -10% -12% -42% -47%




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Sony Ericsson


Sony Ericsson