Scientists and professionals write to President Obama, constituents write to Senators and Congressmen, regarding the Leonardo da Vinci Award targeted to reduce cancer death and cost

Award endowment currently $10,120.00.

Submit your project (or nominate one) by May 30.

FOSSANO, Italy--()--International philanthropists, prestigious Universities, Hospitals, Order of Physicians, Public Administrations support and sponsor this initiative to follow scientific procedures to identify solutions with highest potential to reduce premature cancer death and cost.

Constituents have written to all Senators and Congressmen to support transparent scientific procedures, and asked leaders of research laboratories to be accountable by providing scientific arguments to their claims and to participate in the Leonardo da Vinci competition by submitting projects and being part of the review panel.

Nine scientists and professionals wrote a letter urging President Obama to indicate a priority to address this problem and to ask leaders of research laboratories to take responsibility by always following public, transparent scientific procedures such as the Leonardo da Vinci competition.

Project entries are subject to public debate and scrutiny according to competition rules. Any dispute in identifying the most efficient solution in particle detection for early cancer diagnosis will be resolved with calculations, logical reasoning, and ultimately by the result of experiments. Being public and completely transparent will guarantee that scientific truth will prevail and eliminate any possible favoritism.

Authors need to submit up to 15 pages of project description plus references, and answer a questionnaire by May 30. By June 8 they can provide up to 5 pages per project demonstrating the superiority in efficiency of their project over others.

Third parties who nominate cancer research projects by May 30 need only provide up to 15 pages of the cancer project description plus references. (See details on page 7 of the rules).

Important Dates:
Deadline for project submission: May 30-2011
Project evaluations: June 8-2011
Prize award: June 18-2011

Contest Summary

Support efficiency and accountability in health care; support saving lives through early cancer detection; support this competition; contribute to the prize.

Spread the word! Forward this information to philanthropists and anyone who is raising money for cancer who cares about solutions to reduce premature cancer death and want to collaborate. Contact

Follow this competition with live discussions ( from the University of Pavia.

Contributions to:
The Leonardo da Vinci Prize
cc. 960022454-ABA-114000093-SWIFT-FRSTUS44


United to End Cancer
Vanna Sereno, +39-333-136-31-52

Release Summary

Scientists and professionals write to President Obama, constituents write to Senators and Congressmen, regarding the Leonardo da Vinci Award targeted to reduce cancer death and cost


United to End Cancer
Vanna Sereno, +39-333-136-31-52