Wireless Innovation Forum Announces New “White Space” Communications Initiatives

Groups seeking inputs for the development of new specifications and use cases

WASHINGTON--()--The Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum version 2.0), a non-profit organization dedicated to driving the future of radio communications and systems worldwide, announced today the formation of two new groups focused on “white space” communications.

The TD-LTE in White Space Task Group, chaired by Zhang Xiaojing of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., has formed to develop a report for operators, network infrastructure and mobile service providers, baseband device manufacturers and wireless terminal manufacturers who would like to exploit the TD-LTE system in “white space” spectrum worldwide. “White space,” for the purposes of this report, has been tentatively as any spectrum in any band not currently occupied by a licensed incumbent. The report will address application scenarios for TD-LTE in “white space,” build use cases from those application scenarios, and define performance parameters, associated deployment scenarios and the impact of interference emissions. The project is being formed as a part of a new Special Interest Group focused on White Space communications under the Forum’s User Requirements Committee, and will collaborate closely with the Forum’s Cognitive Radio Work Group.

“This will be an exciting year for the User Requirements Committee,” said Manuel Uhm of MIPS and chair of the committee. “One of the hot topics in the industry these days is that of dynamic spectrum access and the usage of 'white space' for commercial communications, thus leading to our new white space projects. We also continue to investigate the possibilities of new SIGs in the areas of intelligent transportation systems, medicine and smart grid, and would welcome inputs from any organizations interested in bringing the benefits of software-defined radio and cognitive radio technologies to those markets.”

The DSA/White Space Database Interoperability Work Group will support white space database administrators and all entities that must communicate with them by defining the application layer communications of spectrum administration databases. Two separate documents will be developed by this group: ”Database Synchronization Guidelines” providing recommendations on database to database communications, and “Device Interoperability Specifications” which will establish methods, policies and best practice implementations, including system operation, data ownership and confidentiality, information assurance and ecosystem integrity, integration with service provider operations, interference avoidance, mediation and incident response. The work of this group will build on years of previous activity in this area, and has participation from a broad base of industry stakeholders, including multiple candidate database administrators, TV band device manufacturers and incumbent representatives.

“The TV White Spaces represent an important new public resource,” states Jesse Caulfield of Key Bridge Global LLC and chair of this new work group. “Key Bridge strongly believes that spectrum must be administered in an open and neutral manner, and we have found the Wireless Innovation Forum to be an excellent location to establish consensus through open, deliberative exchange. We are very pleased to participate and add our contributions to the success of this important effort.”

Both of these new projects have issued a call for participation, and are actively seeking contributions. These new initiatives represent key additions to the portfolio of member driven work groups, task groups and special interest groups operating with the Wireless Innovation Forum and scheduled to deliver work products in 2011, including:

Hybrid SATCOM Reference Architecture Task Group of the SATCOM Special Interest Group, chaired by Daniel Devasirvatham of SAIC

The SATCOM SIG is developing a "Hybrid SATCOM Reference Architecture for Public Safety Applications" for use by organizations such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and first responder providers who require the use of SATCOM systems to support emergency services during natural and/or man-made disasters. The report will document use cases where disruption of traditional terrestrial emergency services is expected, and explore the market need for integration of commercial and military satellite systems with terrestrial communications, highlighting areas where satellite communications provides both primary and back-up communications. The report will also propose a notional architecture for a hybrid LOS/BLOS platform compliant with the Forum’s Information Processing Architecture.

Public Safety Special Interest Group (PS-SIG), chaired by Fred Frantz of L3 Communications

This group is creating a "Cognitive Radio Technology Survey for Public Safety Applications” which is being developed for the public safety community leadership, researchers, product developers, regulatory and standards developers who are planning the evolution of communication capabilities and/or can benefit from awareness of future technology developments. The survey is based on the technology requirements identified in the Cognitive Use Case documents published by the Public Safety SIG and the Quantification Document under development by the Cognitive Radio WG to identify both current and projected maturity and also availability of technology to fulfill those requirements to:

  • help public safety agencies plan communications system life cycle,
  • inform public safety standards and regulatory bodies regarding evolving systems capabilities,
  • identify technology gaps and dependencies as input to government, academic and industry research organizations,
  • "de-mystify" cognitive radio for public safety leaders and users, and
  • support roadmap development efforts of the Wireless Innovation Forum.

The Coordinating Committee on International SCA Standards, co-chaired by Eric Nicollet of Thales Communications and Mark Turner of Harris Corporation

The Steering Group of this Committee is working to form an Advisory Council and collaborate with the council to create a consensus "Custodianship Model for International SCA Standards." This recommendation is being developed for stakeholders (manufacturers, vendors, governments) of the international SCA-based ecosystem who seek increased harmonization among SCA-based international standards. The recommendation, once complete, will provide a baseline for Coordination of International SCA Standards around the WInnF CC SCA and Advisory Council and that organizes the first meetings that comply with the defined model.

SCA Next Task Group, chaired by Terry Anderson of ITT Industries

This group is working to support the JTRS JPEO SCA Next project by finalizing work on the change proposal involving Asynchronous Messaging and evaluating contributions from the ESSOR programme.

Roadmap Committee, chaired by Claude Belisle of CRC

This group is developing a "Roadmap Wiki" through contributions made by roadmap committee members with a goal of having a first draft completed by March 2011. The committee will then mine this draft to identify top 10 innovations needed by the advanced wireless community with the closure of first version planned by the June 2011 meeting.

The International Security Services API Task Group (ISS-API) of the Security Work Group, chaired by Scott Leubner of Harris Corporation

This group will continue development of the "International Security Services API" specification for nations, international organizations and companies who need software interoperability and portability between international and independently developed software radios. The international radio security services API will specify how to interface and operate with a common set of radio security services, improving interoperability and portability of software through the use of a common open software architecture.

Security Work Group, chaired by William Scott of GD-C4S

This group will continue work on the specification "Security Requirements and Profiles Case Studies” which will build on the report “Securing Software Reconfigurable Communications Devices” to provide guidance to designers, developers and manufacturers of SDR devices on the appropriate set of security requirements germane to their class of SDR products. The specification will provide a comprehensive set of security requirements that cover all aspects of SDR and software reconfigurable radio devices (SDRD) security for the underlying SDRD platform and its software operating environment. A requirements profile identifying a subset of the security requirements applicable to Public Safety SDRDs will also be developed, with additional profiles for other classes of SDRDs developed in future projects.

Commercial Baseband Processing Technologies Work Group, chaired by John Glossner of Optimum Semiconductor Technologies

This group is defining "Business Models for Open Source Air Interfaces" in a report for baseband providers, computer manufactures (MIDS), automotive electronics suppliers, handset manufacturers, infrastructure manufacturers, software services companies and operators who need access to air interfaces for new platforms being developed or who may want a competitive baseband environment and access. The report will provide a description of open source licenses, potential business models, languages and development environments (C, python, Matlab), potential customers and markets for open source air interfaces, potential developers and currently available open source projects.

For information on all of the Forum’s current projects, please visit our Current Projects page: http://www.WirelessInnovation.org/page/Current_Projects. For more information on the benefits of Forum membership, please http://www.wirelessinnovation.org/page/Member_Benefits.

About the Wireless Innovation Forum

Established in 1996, The Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum Version 2.0) is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to driving technology innovation in commercial, civil and defense communications worldwide. Members bring a broad base of experience in Software Defined Radio (SDR), Cognitive Radio (CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technologies in diverse markets and at all levels of the wireless value chain to address emerging wireless communications requirements. To learn more about The Wireless Innovation Forum, its meetings and membership benefits, visit www.WirelessInnovation.org.


The Wireless Innovation Forum
Lee Pucker, 604-828-9876
Stephanie Hamill, 970-290-9543

Release Summary

The Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum version 2.0) announced today the formation of two new groups focused on “white space” communications.


The Wireless Innovation Forum
Lee Pucker, 604-828-9876
Stephanie Hamill, 970-290-9543