Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory to Join Forces with Syndefense in New Services Development and Offering

KAMAKURA, Japan--()--Syndefense Corp (Kamakura, Japan, CEO: Hisao Yamasaki / “Syndefense”) today announced an agreement has been reached with Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Managing Partner: Masami Nitta / “DTFA”) that provides for collaboration between the two companies. Syndefense is pleased to join forces with DTFA in order to further enhance Syndefense's ability to support the sustainable growth of its clients' businesses, through intellectual property advisory services promoting effective IP monetization and defense strategies.

1. Background and Objectives:

In today's business environment, the ability to effectively reorganize business portfolios, beneficially transact intellectual property rights, and successfully defend against intellectual property attacks is critical to the success of a growing number of companies.

Syndefense, in collaboration with its network of expert resources, provides comprehensive intellectual property transactional and defense strategy advisory services to its clients.

"DTFA has a strong reputation as experts in the areas of intellectual property valuation, accounting, tax and M&A strategy," stated Mr. Yamasaki. "Collaborating with DTFA will further enhance our ability to provide advisory support for all manners of transactions that involve intellectual property rights as well as the development of effective strategies to leverage intellectual property rights in support of business objectives. Syndefense is excited to have DTFA join its network of experts."

2. Corporate Overview:

About Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd.

1) Address: Shin Tokyo Building, 3-3-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
2) Representative: President Masami Nitta
3) Capital: ¥224,500,000 (as of December 31, 2013)
4) Date Established: June, 2001
5) Scope of Business: As the financial advisory division of the Tohmatsu Group (including Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd., Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd., and Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co.), a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (a limited liability company based under the laws of the United Kingdom) which has over two hundred thousand employees worldwide, Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory provides consulting services and financial advisory services with a focus on M&A support.

Through leveraging our network both domestic and foreign in accounting, tax, business, and technology, we have a dedicated team of experts with experience and a track record of success, in order to handle the myriad of needs associated with the transfer of technology assets including intellectual property assets. We provide advisory services covering, selection of M&A acquisition/divestiture target with a focus on intellectual property, intellectual property due diligence, intellectual property acquisition/divestiture structure, valuation related to licensing, consultation and support in the structure/scheme of forming an intellectual property fund, and valuation of damages related to intellectual property litigations.

For more information:

About Syndefense

1) Address: 4-11-8 Kamakurayama, Kamakura, Kanagawa, 248-0031 Japan
                  1999 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 700, Campbell, CA 95008 USA
2) Representative: Hisao Yamasaki
3) Capital: ¥25,000,000
4) Date Established: February, 2013
5) Scope of Business: Syndefense provides services to support the realization of strategic intellectual property activities of operating companies, research institutions, and universities, with the aim to contribute to the development and preservation of a next generation of industries having technology and intellectual property as its core competence. Leveraging its network of experts with a wealth of experience and proven track records in legal services, intellectual property evaluation, technical analysis, and market analysis, Syndefense provides intellectual property monetization services, defensive support to protect businesses from intellectual property based attacks, cross licensing, litigation support and IP support services for start-ups, small and mid-size businesses. The Company will further start to provide advisory services to package intellectual property transactions with M&A transactions, and consultation services concerning capitalizations needed for intellectual property monetization and defense strategies.

For more information:

Information contained in this news release is current as of the date of the announcement subject to change without prior notice.


Syndefense, LLC
Chiaki Tomishima, +81.467.38.5452
Investor Relations


Syndefense, LLC
Chiaki Tomishima, +81.467.38.5452
Investor Relations